miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024

Transforming your health: A nutritionist's practical guide to Atomic Habits

As a nutritionist passionate about helping individuals achieve their health goals, I'm constantly exploring strategies to make positive changes stick. One book that stands out in this pursuit is "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. Its principles are invaluable not only for personal development but also for transforming our eating and exercise habits.

Understanding Atomic Habits

1. Marginal gains:

The main message of "Atomic Habits" is the concept of marginal gains: Making small, incremental improvements that accumulate over time to produce remarkable results. This idea is particularly powerful when applied to health behaviors. Instead of changing your entire lifestyle overnight, focus on making tiny adjustments that are easy to sustain.

For example instead of thinking: Starting on Monday I am going to avoid dessert, eat a salad for lunch everyday, go to the gym 5 times a week and read a book instead of watching TV every night which will probably last less than a week, think: Tomorrow I will go for a 10 minute walk after lunch and I will add a side of vegetables to my dinner.

2. The Habit Loop

The habit loop is the foundation of habitual behavior: Cue - craving - response - reward.

By identifying the cues that trigger unhealthy habits, we can intervene at the crucial point of craving and redirect our response towards healthier choices. For instance, if stress prompts you to reach for junk food, finding alternative stress-relief strategies can break the cycle.

Some alternative stress-relief strategies are: movement such as going for a walk or stretching, journaling, meditating or practicing breathing techniques.

3. Making Habits Obvious, Attractive, Easy, and Satisfying

Another key principle is shaping our environment to support healthier habits. This involves making healthy choices obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. Stocking your kitchen with nutritious foods, prepping healthy snacks in advance, and scheduling regular exercise sessions can all make it easier to stick to your health goals.

4. Implementation Intentions and Habit Stacking

"Atomic Habits" introduces the concept of implementation intentions. 

Implementation intentions means making specific plans that outline when and where you will take action towards your goals. This increases the likelihood of follow-through.

For example:

- Committing to a morning workout routine: "Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will go swimming at X public pool at 6am with X team"  


- Planning your meals for the week ahead: Making a shopping list, going grocery shopping, meal prepping in advance and having everything ready in your kitchen to eat healthy everyday.

Habit stacking means to anchor a new habit to an existing one. For example, pairing a daily walk with your morning coffee ritual creates a seamless transition into regular physical activity.

5. The Power of Habit Tracking and Reinforcement

Tracking your progress is essential for maintaining momentum and staying accountable. Whether it's keeping a food journal, logging workouts, or using habit-tracking apps, monitoring your behavior provides valuable feedback and reinforces positive changes. Celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small, to reinforce the habit loop's reward component.

6. Building a Supportive Community

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to health and well-being. A strong support network can provide encouragement, motivation, and accountability on your journey towards healthier habits.

Remember, it's not about perfection but progress – each positive choice brings you one step closer to your health goals. So, start small, stay consistent, and watch as your habits lead to profound and sustainable improvements in your life.

I hope you liked this article and that it helps you in your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

martes, 23 de abril de 2024

Easy steps to improve your gut health: Insights from the Huberman Lab Podcast

2,300+ Microbiome Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free ...

Lately we have been hearing a lot about gut and microbiome health. Some people live feeling bloated, avoiding certain foods hoping they can improve these symptoms. Others are taking probiotics without knowing what they really are or what they do but they have heard they are good so they go to the store and buy whatever they find without changing their diet.

Today I am going to share with you a guide designed to help you enhance your gut microbiome health in simple terms based on the insightful takeaways from a recent episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast.

What is the gut microbiome and why is it important? 

We all have several organisms living inside our gut. These microbes are essential for our overall health: they function as our own personal supporters, aiding our immune system, brain functions, and even hormones. We must care for them to ensure they perform optimally. 

When the diversity of microbiomes is low we experience a dysbiosis, a microbial imbalance that has been associated with autoimmune diseases, obesity and cardiometabolic conditions.

Here are six tools you can begin using today to enhance your gut health:

1. Consume Fermented Foods:

Fermented foods contain live cultures that can greatly benefit your gut. Some examples are plain yogurt, kimchi, kombucha and sauerkraut. Make sure you select fresh options from the refrigerated section for maximum effectiveness. You could also make them at home.

2. Include Prebiotics and Probiotics:

Prebiotics serve as the fuel for your gut bacteria, while probiotics are the bacteria themselves. You can include low levels of probiotics and probiotics while still focusing on eating high quality foods to improve microbiome health. However, remember to exercise moderation. Excessive intake may lead to brain fog, so pay attention to your body's signals.

The gut microbiome is uniquely personalized so remember that supplementation will impact each one differently. If you wish to supplement with prebiotics and probiotics I encourage to consult with a health professional.

3. Prioritize Quality Sleep:

High levels of stress affect our microbiome. That is why adequate sleep is our gut's ally. Aim for the recommended 6-9 hours each night to manage stress levels and keep your gut microbes content.

4. Avoid Processed Foods:

Food additives are always present in processed foods and they can disrupt the mucus layer of the gastrointestinal tract.

Avoid packaged snacks filled with additives. Instead, opt for whole, plant-based foods that nourish your microbiome and combat inflammation.

5. Be Cautious with Artificial Sweeteners:

While their impact is still under investigation, artificial sweeteners could disrupt your gut bacteria. Consider swapping them for natural alternatives like natural stevia or avoid them altogether.

6. Don't over sanitize:

Exposure to environmental microbes is like a mini-training session for your immune system. Skip the antibacterial soap occasionally and allow nature to work its wonders.

I hope this tips help you improve your gut health and your overall health.


  1. David A. Mills, Justin L. Sonnenburg. "Gut Microbiota: Global Priorities and Challenges in Understanding How Microbes Shape Host Physiology." Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2019. Link

  2. Sonnenburg, J. L., & Bäckhed, F. (2016). "Diet–microbiota interactions as moderators of human metabolism." Nature, 535(7610), 56–64. Link

  3. Sonnenburg, J. L., & Fischbach, M. A. (2011). "Community health care: Therapeutic opportunities in the human microbiome." Science, 33, 569–573. Link

  4. Ley, R. E., Turnbaugh, P. J., Klein, S., & Gordon, J. I. (2006). "Microbial ecology: Human gut microbes associated with obesity." Nature, 444(7122), 1022–1023. Link

  5. Gardner, C. D., & Sonnenburg, J. L. (2019). "Fermented Foods and Beverages as a Route to Improved Gut Health and Beyond." Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 44, 94–102. Link

  6. Gibson, G. R., & Roberfroid, M. B. (1995). "Dietary modulation of the human colonic microbiota: introducing the concept of prebiotics." Journal of Nutrition, 125(6), 1401–1412. Link

  7. Singh, R. K., Chang, H. W., Yan, D., Lee, K. M., Ucmak, D., Wong, K., … Liao, W. (2017). "Influence of diet on the gut microbiome and implications for human health." Journal of Translational Medicine, 15(1), 73. Link

  8. Suez, J., Korem, T., Zeevi, D., Zilberman-Schapira, G., Thaiss, C. A., Maza, O., … Elinav, E. (2014). "Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota." Nature, 514(7521), 181–186. Link

jueves, 18 de enero de 2024

All you need to know about glucose

Lately there has been a lot of talk around glucose. Not only by people that live with diabetes but also by healthy people that want to become healthier, improve their health and lose weight. 

Glucose monitors, including continuous glucose monitors have been advertised and recommended a lot by podcasters, influencers, bloggers and some health professionals. 

As a Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator, I am going to share some information about glucose, glucose monitoring and some popular "hacks" to keep blood glucose at appropriate levels so that you may make the best decisions for your health and lifestyle. 

What is blood glucose?

Blood glucose is the main sugar found in the blood. It is our body's primary source of energy. Glucose comes from the food that we eat: fruit, starches such as bread, pasta and rice; legumes such as lentils and beans; vegetables, dairy such as milk and yogurt; and sugar, soda, juice and sweets. When we eat, our body breaks down most of that food into glucose and releases it into the bloodstream. When our blood glucose goes up our pancreas releases insulin which is a hormone that helps the glucose get into our cells to be used for energy. 

Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are too high because the body does not make enough insulin or because the body can't use insulin as well as it should. 

Should everyone monitor their blood glucose?

Healthy people should not worry about monitoring their blood glucose and trying to control blood glucose levels because their body knows how to respond to high blood glucose and glucose spikes by releasing the amount of insulin needed to keep blood glucose at appropriate levels. 

People that live with Diabetes do have to monitor their blood glucose and do some nutrition and lifestyle changes to maintain blood glucose at appropriate levels.

What are glucose spikes?

A glucose spike happens when blood sugar levels increase. This happens usually after a meal, especially if it is a meal high in sugar or starch, but they may also happen due to some hormonal or lifestyle reasons such as not sleeping well, stress and some medications. 

It is important to say that in healthy individuals, glucose spikes are normal and our bodies know how to return blood glucose to appropriate levels. 

If you are not feeling well and think that your health may be altered, you should talk to your health provider and do some lifestyle and nutrition changes to improve your health. 

Can I buy a glucose monitor or a continuous glucose monitor just to see how my glucose behaves on a regular basis even if I don't live with Diabetes? 

Only a health professional can recommend you to do blood work or use a glucose monitor to check your blood glucose levels. If you are healthy it is not recommended to wear one of these devices for many reasons: 

1. There is not enough evidence to justify using such device to monitor blood glucose in healthy individuals. 

2. It can easily become an obsession which would be detrimental for mental health.

3. It can easily start an unhealthy relationship toward food and exercise, and trigger disordered eating. 

Can I try some popular hacks such as the ones recommended on social media to avoid glucose spikes and keep my glucose at healthy levels to improve my overall health? 

There are some popular hacks out there that are science based and that promote a healthy lifestyle in general that will not harm you and that will help you to become healthier and maintain a healthy weight but know that each person is different so if you want to do a big health change you should discuss it with your health provider first. 

Don't believe everything you see on social media and avoid adopting health strategies that are not good for your mental health or that promote disordered eating. 

Some popular hacks that actually do work for general health and that are easy to follow are: 

1. Eat a savory breakfast instead of a sweet one:

It is true that eating a savory breakfast will keep you full longer, release energy in a slower way and will help you avoid cravings later in the day. A healthy choice for breakfast would be scrambled eggs with some veggies and a side of fruit. Also, by eating a savory breakfast you avoid some unhealthy breakfast choices such as sugary pastries and drinks. 

2. Eat your greens first: 

By eating vegetables before the rest of your meal, you will automatically increase your fiber, vitamin and mineral intake which is great for health. 

3. Only eat fruit whole:

This is great advice. It is not recommended to drink fruit juice or dehydrated fruit because it is higher in sugar and low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. 

I hope this article helped you understand a little bit more about glucose control and let me know if you have questions. 

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

Comida o suplementos ¿Qué es mejor?

Stock Illustration - Illustration of a woman taking Vitamin B2 supplements

Una consecuencia de la pandemia es que llegó para dejarnos claro que tenemos que cuidar nuestra salud y una manera para lograr esto es alimentándonos bien y haciendo ejercicio. 

Hoy más que nunca estamos bombardeados con información sobre cómo podemos ser más saludables: Ya existen programas que te llevan todos los ingredientes a tu casa para que prepares menús saludables, retos en internet para seguir dietas y programas de ejercicio, retos para lograr metas deportivas presenciales o virtuales, millones de cuentas con recetas saludables de todo tipo y hasta electrodomésticos que tienen la finalidad de hacernos más fácil la tarea de cocinar rico y saludable. 

Dentro de la cantidad de cosas que se están promoviendo hoy en día para ser más saludables y mantener un sistema inmunológico fuerte para evitar tener complicaciones de Covid, son los suplementos y multivitamínicos. 
Si te sientes confundido no eres el único; es normal que la gente se confunda. Es por esto que a continuación les compartiré información general para que puedan tomar decisiones más informadas para seguir cuidando su salud y su bienestar. 

¿Es necesario suplementarme o puedo adquirir todos los nutrimentos que necesito a través de la dieta? 

Esta es una pregunta que espero que muchos se hagan antes de ir a comprar un suplemento y la respuesta es: Depende de cada quién. 

Definitivamente no todos debemos de suplementarnos y es necesario saber quién sí, quien no y cómo debe de suplementarse la gente que sí lo necesita. No necesariamente más es mejor. No porque la etiqueta diga que es ideal para mujeres de X edad o ideal para personas con ciertas características significa que necesitas tomarlo. 

1. Mejora tu alimentación:

Antes de comprar un multivitamínico o suplemento, enfócate en mejorar tu alimentación. Asegúrate de consumir alimentos frescos, de todos los grupos de alimentos (verduras, frutas, cereales, proteínas y grasas saludables) y enfócate en que tu dieta sea variada y adecuada a tus necesidades. 

Los nutrimentos se absorben y se aprovechan mucho mejor cuando vienen directo de los alimentos que cuando vienen de alguna pastilla ya que los alimentos contienen otras sustancias que favorecen su absorción y asimilación. 

Si no sabes cómo lograr esto, acude a consulta con un nutriólogo para que te enseñe cómo debes alimentarte y que calcule un plan de alimentación personalizado. 

2. La suplementación es solo para las personas con alguna deficiencia nutrimental. 

Si constantemente te sientes cansado, débil o te enfermas demasiado y crees que necesitas suplementarte, antes de hacerlo consulta a tu médico o a tu nutriólogo de cabecera para que te hagan los estudios pertinentes para descartar cualquier tipo de deficiencia. En caso de tener alguna deficiencia, ellos son quienes podrán recomendarte el suplemento que necesitas, en las cantidades que lo necesitas y serán los encargados de monitorear tu suplementación. 

Algunos alimentos impiden la absorción de otros nutrimentos así que tu nutriólogo podrá asesorarte para saber cuándo debes de tomar tus suplementos y con qué alimentos combinarlos o no para lograr una mayor absorción. Por ejemplo, el café inhibe la absorción del calcio así que si te tomas tu suplemento de calcio en el desayuno seguido de una taza de café, no vas a aprovechar el calcio que te tomaste como lo podrías aprovechar si lo tomas en otro momento. 

3. No compres suplementos por comprar. 

Tristemente la industria de los suplementos alimenticios no está tan regulada como lo está la industria de los alimentos o de los medicamentos por lo que es muy probable que el producto que compres no tenga realmente lo que la etiqueta dice que tiene. Siempre consulta a tu médico o nutriólogo antes de suplementarte. Ellos serán quienes puedan asesorarte sobre marcas, cantidades y demás. 

Si te interesa mejorar tu dieta para aumentar tu consumo de nutrimentos importantes para mantener una buena salud, a continuación les comparto una tabla con los alimentos en los que podemos encontrar algunos nutrimentos importantes para mantener nuestro sistema inmunológico fuerte. 

- Vitamina B: verduras de hoja verde obscuro como espinaca, acelga y kale, carne magra, atún, pavo, semillas de girasol y huevo. 

- Vitamina D: Salmón, atún, carne magra, lácteos fortificados, otros alimentos fortificados. 

- Hierro: Hígado, carne magra y leguminosas como frijoles, lentejas y garbanzos. 

- Magnesio: Verduras de hoja verde obscuro como espinaca y kale, granos integrales y leguminosas. 

- Calcio: Lácteos, salmón y verduras de hoja verde obscuro. 

Espero que estos consejos les sirvan para que puedan seguir cuidando su salud a través de una alimentación saludable. 


- Harvard Health Letter. Should you get your nutrients from food or from supplements? Mayo 2015. 
- Liechtenstein AH, Russell RM. Essential Nutrientes: Food or Supplements? Where should the emphasis be?. JAMA. 2005;294(3):351-358. doi:10.1001/jama.294.3.351


lunes, 25 de enero de 2021

Metas 2021

10 Things Healthy People Have in Common

 Este año va a ser un año diferente. Todo parece indicar que va a ser mejor que el pasado pero de cualquier forma si algo aprendimos del año pasado, es que no podemos planear demasiado ni confiar en que las cosas van a suceder como las planeamos u organizamos. 

Sin embargo, aunque el futuro esté incierto, podemos ponernos metas y objetivos y hacer todo lo posible por lograrlos. 

Algunos de los propósitos más comunes son bajar de peso, hacer ejercicio y alguna meta deportiva. A continuación les voy a dar algunas ideas para que logren sus metas este año. 

1. Comer más saludable:

Que este año tu propósito de año nuevo no sea bajar X número de kg. Que no sea tener el cuerpo de la persona que sigues en Instagram o tener cuadritos. Que tu propósito sea estar más sano; comer más saludable y sentirte bien.

No hagas dietas de moda y no elimines grupos de alimentos. Come de todo pero de manera balanceada. Enfócate en incluir en tu alimentación alimentos naturales de todos los grupos. Enfócate en encontrar un estilo de alimentación que te haga sentir bien: con energía, satisfecho, de buenas y listo para trabajar y hacer lo que más te gusta. 

Algunos tips para lograr esto son:

- Prepara una receta nueva cada semana: Hoy en día es muy fácil encontrar en internet recetas sanas, fáciles de preparar y accesibles. Prueba alguna receta nueva cada semana y verás que comer sano va a ser más divertido. Trata de evitar recetas que eliminen grupos de alimentos. Aquí la idea es comer sano y balanceado. 

- Busca nuevos alimentos en el súper: Pasea con calma por los pasillos del súper o del mercado y busca alimentos diferentes a los que siempre compras. Esto te motivará a cocinar nuevas recetas ricas y saludables. Procura que éstos alimentos sean de temporada y locales. 

2. Estar en forma y mantenerte activo: 

Esto es individual. Para alguien estar en forma puede significar ganar unos cuantos kilos, para alguien más puede significar bajar de peso, ganar músculo o perder grasa, etc. Esto es personal y para nada tiene que ver con lograr un cuerpo como el que vemos en las redes sociales. 

Enfócate en encontrar el deporte o el programa de ejercicio que a ti te haga feliz y que te haga sentir bien. No le des demasiado peso a cuánto sudas, cuántas calorías quemas o qué tan adolorido estás al día siguiente. El ejercicio es individual y es por esto que existen tantas opciones. A algunos les llena hacer yoga, a otros salir a caminar y a otros hacer un ironman.

Algunas ideas para lograr esto son:

- Prueba apps para hacer ejercicio, videos de youtube y clases. Prueba de todo hasta que encuentres lo que más te guste y funcione a ti. 

- Si lo que te gusta es competir, participa en algún reto o evento virtual como alguna carrera o triatlón. 

Si por algo ningún evento te convence, inventa algo tú como por ejemplo: correr una distancia larga en trail, hacer un maratón que tu diseñes o acumular un determinado número de km corridos en un mes.

- No te compares. Recuerda que este es un proceso personal y que al único que tienes que vencer es a ti mismo. 

Espero que estos consejos les sirvan para que tengan un buen año y logren ser personas más saludables.